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How to Start Keto: A Beginner’s Guide to the Keto Diet

Are you looking to start the keto diet but not sure where to begin? The keto diet is a popular low-carb, high-fat diet that has numerous benefits for those looking to lose weight, boost energy levels, and improve their overall health.

This beginner’s guide to the keto diet will provide you with the essential information you need to get started, including the basics of the diet, what to eat, and tips for staying on track.

Introduction to the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The goal of the keto diet is to induce a state of ketosis in the body, a state in which the body is able to burn fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates.

In order to achieve this state, the body must be in a caloric deficit, meaning that the number of calories consumed must be less than the number of calories burned. This can be achieved by consuming fewer carbohydrates and higher amounts of fat.

The keto diet has been used to treat various medical conditions, such as diabetes, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s. It has also been shown to be beneficial for those looking to lose weight, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health.

Benefits of the Keto Diet

The keto diet has numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved energy levels, and better overall health.

Weight loss is one of the most common benefits of the keto diet. Because the diet is low in carbohydrates, the body is forced to burn fat for energy, leading to weight loss.

Additionally, because the diet is high in fat, it can help to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time, reducing your overall calorie intake.

The keto diet can also help to boost energy levels due to the increased intake of healthy fats, which can provide the body with more sustained energy than carbohydrates. Additionally, the keto diet can improve overall health due to its focus on whole foods and healthy fats, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve gut health.

Understanding the Macronutrients

In order to understand how the keto diet works, it is important to understand the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy and should be the primary source of calories in a healthy diet. They are found in a variety of foods, such as grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables.

Fats are essential for a healthy body, providing energy and helping to absorb vitamins and minerals. Healthy sources of fat include avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Proteins are essential for building and repairing muscle, and can be found in foods such as fish, eggs, and legumes.

Getting Started on the Keto Diet

If you are interested in starting the keto diet, the first step is to understand your current caloric intake. Calculate how many calories you are currently consuming and then reduce that number by 500 to 1000 calories per day.

This will put your body in a caloric deficit and help to induce the state of ketosis.

Once you have determined your calorie intake, it is important to adjust the macronutrient ratios to be in line with the keto diet.

This means reducing your carbohydrate intake to 5-10% of your total calorie intake and increasing your fat intake to 70-80% of your total calorie intake. The remaining calories should come from proteins.

What to Eat on the Keto Diet

When following the keto diet, it is important to focus on whole, unprocessed foods. Foods that are high in healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and fatty fish, should make up the bulk of your diet.

Additionally, you should also include moderate amounts of proteins, such as eggs, fish, and poultry, as well as low-carb vegetables, such as leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Fruits should be limited on the keto diet, as they are higher in carbohydrates than other foods. However, some low-carb fruits, such as raspberries and blackberries, can be consumed in small amounts.

Foods to Avoid on the Keto Diet

When following the keto diet, it is important to avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as grains, starchy vegetables, and sugary foods. Additionally, processed foods, such as chips, crackers, and candy, should also be avoided.

Alcohol should also be avoided on the keto diet, as it is high in calories and can interfere with the body’s ability to enter a state of ketosis.

Keto Recipes

There are a variety of delicious keto recipes that can help to make the diet more enjoyable. Some popular keto recipes include keto pizza, keto chicken recipes, and keto desserts.

Many of these recipes can be found online, and there are also a variety of cookbooks available that provide delicious and easy-to-follow keto recipes.

Here are some great recipe sites



Tips for Sticking to the Keto Diet

Sticking to the keto diet can be challenging, but there are a few simple tips that can help to make it easier.

First, it is important to plan ahead and have healthy meals and snacks on hand. Planning your meals and snacks in advance will help to keep you on track and make it easier to stick to the diet.

Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated and get enough sleep, as both of these can help to keep your energy levels up and reduce cravings.

Finally, it is important to stay motivated and focus on the long-term benefits of the diet. Remember that it may take some time to start seeing results, so it is important to stay focused and motivated.

Keto Supplements

In addition to following the keto diet, there are a variety of supplements that can help to ensure that you are getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals. Some popular keto supplements include omega-3 fatty acids, MCT oil, electrolytes, and exogenous ketones.

It is important to remember that supplements are not necessary for the keto diet, but they can be helpful for those who are looking to get the most out of the diet.

Keto Resources

There are a variety of keto resources available to help you get started and stay on track. Some popular keto resources include websites, blogs, and books that provide information on the diet, recipes, and meal plans.

Additionally, there are a variety of online support groups that can provide motivation and encouragement.

Here are some of my favourite youtube channels which cover the keto diet




The keto diet is a popular low-carb, high-fat diet that has numerous benefits for those looking to lose weight, boost energy levels, and improve their overall health.

This beginner’s guide to the keto diet provides essential information for getting started, including the basics of the diet, what to eat, and tips for staying on track.

With the right information, support, and motivation, the keto diet can be a great way to achieve your health and fitness goals.

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